Crossword clues for the word: ZEP The word ZEP has appeared as an answer to at least 11 crossword clues on different crossword puzzles. Crossword clues for ZEP Showing 1 to 11 of 11 results Clue(s) """___: A Puzzling Adventure"" (Patrick Merrell book recently funded by Kickstarter)" """Fool in the Rain"" band, for short" """Houses of the Holy"" band, to some fans" """Whole Lotta Love"" band, for short" "Aircraft, for short." "Dirigible, for short" "Led ___ (""Carouselambra"" group, familiarly)" "Led ___ (British rock band, for short)" "Led ___: ""Stairway to Heaven"" group, to fans" "The ""Hindy"" was one" Airship: Colloq.