Crossword clues for the word: OMEGAMAN The word OMEGAMAN has appeared as an answer to at least 9 crossword clues on different crossword puzzles. Crossword clues for OMEGAMAN Showing 1 to 9 of 9 results Clue(s) "1971 Charlton Heston flick, with ""The""" "1971 Charlton Heston science fiction film, with ""The""" "1971 Heston film, with ""The""" "Postapocalyptic thriller of 1971, with 'The'" 1971 Charlton Heston sci-fi film, with “The” 1971 title role for Charlton Heston, with "the" The —, 1971 sci-fi film starring Charlton Heston and Anthony Zerbe Title role for Charlton Heston in 1971 Title role for Charlton Heston in a 1971 post-apocalyptic action film