If you are stuck on the "Home of the oldest university in the Western Hemisphere (founded in 1551)" crossword clue and seeking assistance, you have come to the right place. Our team is dedicated to providing helpful crossword help to those in need. Without further delay, we are pleased to present you with the solution to the perplexing clue.
Home of the oldest university in the Western Hemisphere (founded in 1551) Crossword Clue Answer
The crossword puzzle clue "Home of the oldest university in the Western Hemisphere (founded in 1551)" made its most recent appearance in the New York Times Crossword Puzzle on August 30, 2018. We've managed to locate one possible crossword answer for your consideration.
The most suitable crossword answer for the "Home of the oldest university in the Western Hemisphere (founded in 1551)" crossword clue is "PERU".
Do you want to know where the word PERU has appeared as a crossword answer key for crossword puzzle clues before? Click here for more information.
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